
An overview of our journey in creating PLAYESCAPE

Inception - September 2022
Bonnie shared the "Lets Get Wellington Dreaming" grant call out from Urban Dream Brokerage. Over the month we discussed our kaupapa, developed a proposal for an urban swing and submitted it. 

Selection - October/November 2022
Urban Dream Brokerage shortlisted then selected our proposal. We discussed timelines and processes for working together. We continued to ideate and develop our idea.

Site Development - February 2023
We analysed various central urban sites. 

Material Sourcing - March 2023
We were introduced to LT McGuinness
 who supplied the left over construction materials for the project. 

Initial Documentation - April 2023
Months of sketches, discussions and ideation were turned into an draft architectural drawing set by Yuri. We met with Matthew Beres (Play Spaces Specialist at Wellington City Council). Engaged Tina Dyer, a Play Specialist

Site Update - May 2023
Redeveloped design to new site after input from various teams at Wellington City Council.

Compliance Consultation - June 2023
WCC confirmed a structural engineer was required and we engaged Malcolm Nielsen.

Compliance & Site Development - July/August 2023
Continued cooperation with Wellington City Council teams, to develop a compliant design.

Material Development - September 2023

Visited LT McGuinness material yard. Experimented wth material samples, construction methods and colour combinations. 

Pre-Construction - September/November 2023
Materials were delivered to UDB's Taranaki Street studio.

Construction - 6th November to 10th November 2023
Onsite Construction by Dean Edgington with assistance from ourselves at Soft Serve Social and our friends.

Opening Night - 11th November 2023
Visuals, Music, Kai and People :)

Activation - 11th November to 17th December 2023
We checked the condition of the swing daily with some minor maintenance required and hosted events.

De-Construction - 18th December 2023
Dean Edgington dismantled the structure and preserved as much material as possible assisted by Jason of UDB. 

Reflection - January 2024
UDB kindly organised for Liana Stupples to independently evaluate the project providing us with a valuable record of the process. 

