
Thank you to all the wonderful people who helped us along the way and made this project a reality <3

Thank you, Jason Muir and Linda Lee from Urban Dream Brokerage for commissioning our project, and for all the support that make the swing happen. 

Thank you Tina Dyer from Park Central and Malcolm Nielsen Consulting Engineer Ltd for your crucial advice to get our swing compliant.

Thank you Dean Edgington from Spacecraft Ltd. for understanding and constructing our vision -  alongside Steve.

Thank you to Dan McGuinness and Ben Cannon, from LT McGuinness for kindly sponsoring materials for this project, and patiently helping us source them. Thank you Lucas, Josh and the rest of the LT’s crew who helped deliver them.

Thank you Peter and Lynda for generously sharing their balcony to host our projector.

Thank you to Matthew Beres, Toby Acheson and Helen Kirklew Smith from Wellington City Council for your ongoing support, patience and advice.

Thank you Karl and Greg from Audio Avenue for generously loaning out the projector and providing speakers and gear for the opening evening.

Thank you Marcus McShane for your expertise on projections and lighting and for loaning us the all-important weathertight box.

Thank you Cheree Ridder for providing opportunities to promote and publicise our project.

Thank you to Art Hack and Women in Urbanism Aotearoa for the event-collaboration opportunities!

A massive thank you to our friends and whānau including;

Ghem and Bianca for many hours of scrubbing scaffolding, preparing scrim, and assisting in construction. Anya and Ajax for helping with material preparation and on-site construction. Graham for providing support, advice, and connections for the projections. Ollie and Keegan for crafting our signage. Sarah for taking our team photos.

Jack for lending a hand on-site. Jay for taking us on many trips to source construction materials. Jake for the spray-painting (apologies for the blue clothes and sticky hair) (>o<) Rose for your help on the ladder and PC collection mission. Chris for helping set up the projector and for sussing more emergency tape. Hope, Sarah, and Elsie for pitching in at our working bee.

Sinead for your encouragement of this project, and the opportunity to share our ideas. Zhao and Lixia for the last-minute construction material trips! Sue and Tom for your additional support. Karen and Richard for the millionth emergency Bunnings trip, your dropcloths, and other important provisions.

Our launch event on Saturday 11th of November was made special by all who attended, and we'd especially like to thank:

James ( for capturing our opening and producing amazing content of the event. Weston for providing us with lovely lighting. Nia (@daughter0fra) and Buda (@cathexxis) for playing beautiful tunes at our opening night and creating a magical experience!  Luke for PAT testing our equipment.
All the lovely people at 13 Garrett Street who welcomed us into their space and provided lots of emotional and logistical support at Glover Park.
Special thanks to Tom for saving the day at our opening! Special mention to Sarah Lee, Anastasia, and Te Rangi
Taylor and Gwilym at Rogue & Vagabond for providing advice and insight into the Glover Park site, supporting the project and generously providing a venue, drinks discount, and great vibes for our opening event

And a big thank you to David Hensel (@davidhenselphotography) for capturing the final product so beautifully.